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Slips and Trips

Negligence is usually a hotly contested issue in an FELA slip or trip case. Once the injury occurs, the railroad’s legal team quietly sets out to prove that the railroad was not negligent and/or that you negligently caused your own injury. Slips and trips are often caused by drainage problems that violate 49 CFR 213.33 and 49 CFR 213.103. Another contributing factor may be bad lighting in railroad work areas. The FRA has even published a study noting that lantern lighting is inadequate.

If you suffer a slip or trip injury while working for a railroad it's important to hire a railroad injury attorney familiar with these regulations. Contact us today for references from satisfied clients injured by slips or trips while working for a railroad.

Railroad Slip and Trip Case Testimonials

FELA Slip and Trip Case Summaries

Beaumont Conductor Suffers Shoulder Injury while working for Union Pacific Railroad

Conductor was walking in Defendant UPRR’s Beaumont, Texas switching rail yard between two narrow tracks containing heavy rail cars, when his foot fell into a hidden sink hole. He landed over a rail on his right side. He tried to catch himself, but his arm gave way causing injury to his right shoulder. The UPRR switching yard had poor overhead lighting making it difficult for him to see the pathway ahead of him. A post accident investigation team went to the area and could not see the hidden hole. The conductor and his co-workers reported the yard had sink holes. UPRR refused to do anything to remedy this safety hazards caused by bad drainage.

As a result, the conductor suffered a serious injury to his right shoulder. After conservative therapy failed the conductor had shoulder surgery where a full tear of his rotator cuff was found. The conductor underwent a second surgery on his right shoulder. Due to his injuries, the conductor was unable to return to his normal job at the railroad. Allison v. Union Pacific Railroad Co., Jefferson County (TX) District Court. Bristol Baxley of Rome, Arata & Baxley for the Plaintiff/conductor.

Tags: Slips and Trips, Railroad Slips and Trips, Railroad Slips, Railroad Flips, Railroad Slip and Fall, FELA Slip and Fall, FELA Trip Case, FELA Slip Case