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Railroad Worker Resources


Learn how the Federal Employers' Liability Act protects railroad workers in the United States and how it differs from Workman's Compensation.

Railroad Whistleblower Claims

Everything you need to know about railroad whistleblower claims including important deadlines for filing and railroad schemes that violate your whistleblower protection.

Federal Employers Liability Act

Read the Federal Employers' Liability Act relied upon by FELA attorneys to protect railroad employees who are injured on the job.

FRA Statutes and Regulations

In 20 years of experience as a FELA law firm, these FRA regulations have proved to be the most important in protecting railroad workers injured on the job.

Track Safety Standards
Safety Appliance Act
Safety Appliance Standards
Railroad Freight Car Safety Standards
Locomotive Inspection Act
Railroad Locomotive Safety Standards
FRA Regulations on Railroad Communications (Radio Rules)
FRA Regulations on Shoving or Pushing Movements
FRA Regulations on Roadway Worker Protection
FRA Regulations on Certification of Conductors
FRA Regulations on Certification of Engineers

Federal Railroad Administration

'The purpose of FRA is to: promulgate and enforce rail safety regulations; administer railroad assistance programs; conduct research and development in support of improved railroad safety and national rail transportation policy; provide for the rehabilitation of Northeast Corridor rail passenger service; and consolidate government support of rail transportation activities.'

Studies on Railroad Safety by the FRA

Here are some important studies on railroad safety from the FRA:

Railroad Accident Report Forms

Tags: Railroad Worker Resources, Federal Employers Liability Act, FELA, FELA Law Questions, FELA Law Resources