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Railroad Injuries

Railroad work is dangerous. Railroad workers in the United States are protected from on the job injuries by the Federal Employer's Liability Act (FELA). In the words of Justice William Douglas, of the United States Supreme Court, the FELA ...'was designed to put on the railroad industry some of the costs of the legs, arms, eyes and lives which it consumed in its operation.'

Railroad Injury Attorneys, like Rome, Arata and Baxley are FELA experts who work everyday to help maximize the financial recovery for injured railroad workers. In our 70 years of combined FELA law experience, we have become very knowledgeable of the statutes and rules governing the major types of railroad injury cases.

When choosing a FELA attorney one of the criteria you should consider is whether the law firm has tried cases involving the same injury you have suffered. Contact us today for references from satisfied railroad injury clients with any of the types of injury claims below.

Railroad Injury Cases

Long Term Conditions Caused by Railroad Work

In addition, railroaders are subject to dangerous cumulative conditions daily during their railroad career which can lead to several maladies. Among these are:

When choosing a FELA attorney one of the criteria you should consider is whether the law firm has tried cases involving the same injury you have suffered. Contact us today for references from satisfied railroad injury clients with any of the above types of claims.

Tags: Railroad Injuries, FELA injuries, Railroad injury case, FElA injury case, FELA accident, Railroad accident, Railroad On-the-job injury