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RCX Van Wreck Cases

RCX Van Wreck

Railcrew Xpress - or RCX is one of the primary providers of crew transportation services for the railroad industry in the United States. Their clients include UP and other class 1 railroads. RCX operates a fleet of vans and transports railroad crew members, including engineers, conductors, repair crews, and maintenance crews to and from job sites. The company was founded in 2005 and is based in Lenexa, Kansas.

A tragically high percentage of railroad injuries occur in railroad van accidents. Railroad vans in general are sometimes poorly maintained and in shoddy condition. The drivers are often undercompensated and overworked. Also, railroaders are often transported late at night when drunk and fatigued drivers may be a problem.

For detailed information on how railroad conductors and engineers can protect themselves before, during and after a railroad van accident - click here.

Experience against a particular defendant is important when choosing a lawyer. Our railroad accident firm has successfully represented many railroaders injured in RCX van wrecks.

Railroad Van Wreck Client Testimonials

RCX Van Wreck

Railroad Van Wreck FELA Case Summary

Kansas City Southern Engineer Injured Riding in Carry-All Van – 2007 Texas Settlement

Thirty-four year old railroad engineer suffered serious low back injury while riding as a passenger in railroad carry-all van when the driver accelerated off a curb. Upon impact the engineer immediately felt pain in his lower back. The engineer continued to work for several weeks despite his pain. The van driver failed to use a level driveway to exit the rail yard to the street. Also, the van driver had a reputation as a lead-footed driver. As a result of his injuries, the injured railroad worker had to undergo back surgery and was unable to return to his normal job at the Railroad. The Railroad and the van company argued driving off a curb from a rail yard is not unreasonable. The Defendants disputed the extent of the engineer’s injuries, blamed degeneration and claimed that he could return to work making substantial wages. Chris Dowdy v. RCX, Crane and The Kansas City Southern Railway. Bristol Baxley of the law firm of Rome Arata and Baxley, Houston, Texas, represented the injured railroad worker.

Tags: Railcrew Xpress Van Accident Cases, FELA Railcrew Xpress Van Wrecks, RCX Van Wreck Attorney, RCX Van Accident Lawyer